Asbestos Information Network
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Asbestos is fractal in nature
Possessing "self-sameness" at differing scales



If you are looking for important and reliable information about asbestos, its health hazard potential, how to deal with it, or what to consider if you have already been exposed or affected by it, you are in the right place.  This site has been established to provide the public with the "usual" as well as additional information over and above what is available from various government and educational websites throughout internet and to create a major nexus to the vast array of those sites through our links pages.  It is also a place where you may ask specific questions about asbestos and get answers from a scientist and board-certified industrial hygienist with over 25 years of laboratory, field, abatement, and courtroom experience with most aspects of this great worldwide tragedy and crime.  It attempts to keep a balanced viewpoint on the subject and educate where needed, as well as highlight what information sources, issues, business interests, organizations and politics have created bias in the information that has been publicized over the years. 

ARCHIVE LIBRARY FUNCTION OF THIS WEBSITE:  This site is established as a mirror site to also provide certain useful archived documents that should be available to the public should the main sites ever be terminated by their owners.  Links are provided first to the original source sites and if these are no longer working, the visitor is invited to return to our webpage and select the adjacent "download" link to obtain the file(s) from our servers.  In this fashion, even older information can be obtained if the originators or custodians of such documents deem it "out-of-date" or politically incorrect or if political influence may try to quash such information by purging its own governmental servers. 
Copyrighted materials are not sold nor are they being treated in any way different from the public access the same documents would enjoy from any public library to the unrestricted community at large.  Downloaded copyrighted documents must be read or utilized and deleted from computers within a 24 hour period following downloading to avoid copyright infringement issues.  Any citations made by those downloading such copyrighted documents from this website are strictly forbidden.  Citations must be made only for the original place of publication of such documents.  No responsibility is accepted for misuse, error or injury through reliance or use of such downloaded documents by this website or its sponsor.

Your guide and host is Dr. Joseph H. Guth, Ph.D., Certified Industrial Hygienist and President of Scientific and Forensic Services, Inc.

Feel free to email me with questions
Click for email

Scientific and Forensic Services, Inc.
4034 Heutte Drive
Norfolk, VA 23518
Phone: (757) 620-1988

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asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos
asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos
asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos asbestos
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