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Asbestos Response Options
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Options in Responding to Asbestos Products or Dust Contamination Present

There are several options available to the building owner or employer who has responsibility for the protection of others within their facilities or operations.  Regulations provide a minimum set of response options though even greater effectiveness in protection can be had through state-of-the-art industrial hygiene practices.  These four options are
1.  Encapsulation
2.  Enclosure
3.  Removal
4.  Management in Place (aka Deferred Action)
Encapsulation is a process in which special penetrating and bridging encapsulants approved for asbestos application are applied to stabilize and coat the surface of an asbestos-containing material (ACM).  This is frequently the second most economical method of managing asbestos products when budgeting for their ultimate removal at a later date.  It cannot be used for certain kinds of ACMs and for badly damaged or deteriorated ACMs and does not address existing asbestos dust and debris that may have accumulated in an area over time.  It is the least desirable of the temporary abatement-oriented methods since the ACMs can continue to be damaged or deteriorate with further releases of free fibers into the area.  It also does not address the long term risk of fire or flood damage that can suddenly cause all of the ACMs in a structure to become highly damaged and lead to widespread potential exposures.